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Leçons de séduction est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Barbra Streisand sorti en France le 15 janvier 1997 avec Jeff Bridges

Leçons de séduction (1996)

The Mirror Has Two Faces

Leçons de séduction
Si vous aimez ce film, faites-le savoir !

Rose Morgan

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook When my date takes me home and kisses me good night, if I don't hear the philharmonic in my head, I dump him.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook What, what? Yes, I have breasts. They cannot, however, be the subject of one of your papers.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook It's not a date. We're just agreeing to eat at the same table.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook By the way, would telling you now that I want sex tonight be enough of a warning?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Let's face it. They're not standing in line for me.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook To tell you the truth, I think your theories about relationships are total bullshit.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I believe in love and lust and sex and romance. I don’t want everything to add up to some perfect equation. I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion and heat and sweat and madness. I want Valentines and Cupids and all the rest of that crap. I want it all.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I love it if someone knew me. Really knew me. What I like, what I'm afraid of. What kind of toothpaste I use. I think that will be wonderful.

Gregory Larkin

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I want to be upfront with you. I am not interested in sex.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook I don't care if you're pretty, I love you anyway!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook The mathematical world is completely rational, uncomplicated by sex.

Claire Morgan

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook You are the mother of the bride, not the opening act.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Now you spend an extra hour in front of the mirror every morning and every night. And now you'll be the one to walk into a room and scan it for who looks better than you and who doesn't. And as the years go by, the numbers change. One day you'll walk into a room and you're the last woman any man notices.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mother, the only thing you ever taught me about the Sabbath is that Bergdorf's wouldn't be as crowded.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Rose: Why don't you get the coffee?
Hannah: I've buried a husband, I've raised two daughters. I've made my coffee.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Rose: Look at me, I'm a grown woman in a prom dress.
Claire: Oh, please. You look adorable.
Rose: Adorable? I look like an over-the-hill Barbie Doll. It doesn't fit right, it's too tight.
Claire: Too many Sno Balls.
Rose: Why didn't you pick something looser and in my color?
Claire: Because Maids of Honor don't wear black.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Claire: Your hair looks good, the curls work. Why don't you get a perm?
Rose: I tried that once, I looked like Shirley Temple on crack.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Claire: Now you listen to me!
Rose: Take it easy, Claire!
Claire: Now, I want you to get up there and remember that this is MY day... and if you don't behave yourself, I'm gonna have your birth certificate blown up as a Christmas card!
Hannah: I should never have encouraged you to speak.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Jeff Bridges - Gregory Larkin

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook George Segall - Henry Fine