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Les Créatures de l'Ouest est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par J. T. Petty avec Clancy Brown

Les Créatures de l'Ouest (2008)

The Burrowers

Les Créatures de l'Ouest
Si vous aimez ce film, faites-le savoir !

John Clay

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook If you so much as touch that gun without my say-so, I will holster it in your ass.

William Parcher

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Any Christian woman would prefer dying to capture. Mr. Williams had time to reload...because his wife gave it to him. If it came to that... I hope you'd be strong enough to take care of your mother.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Henry Victor would rather pull toes off the Sioux than follow the trail before us.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook We find the Utes; they lead us to the Burrower tribe; we kill the Burrowers; you get your girl; you build a cabin on the prairie and you play American.

Henry Victor

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook You wanna go face an Indian war party on your lonesome? Those blanketheads will peel you like an orange, boy.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Yeah, well, I'd rather walk in the right direction than ride with my head up my ass.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook William Parcher: Not a mile from here... I had to eat a horse to survive.
Gertrude Spacks: That's disgusting.
William Parcher: It wasn't my horse. The point is, we're here now eating coconut cake. Right civilized country.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook William Parcher: What is that?
Henry Victor: Hmm?
William Parcher: What the hell is that?
Henry Victor: It's a tobacco pouch.
William Parcher: It's ugly as shit.
Henry Victor: Yeah. Come off an Injun. Big buck by the name o' Sack-o-Tabacky.
William Parcher: Jesus Christ.
Dobie Spacks: W-What is it?
Henry Victor: Shit, son.
William Parcher: It's a scrotum, Dobie.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook John Clay: Why do you spend so much time rubbin' that boy's belly? He already thinks you're Jesus Crockett.
William Parcher: I'm courtin' his mother.
John Clay: That's Gertrude Spacks' boy?
William Parcher: Yeah, oh. Oh.
John Clay: Skinny woman. Might as well just poke the boy.
William Parcher: That's not a very godly sentiment, John.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Fergus Coffey: I came close to joining the army after New York. Impossible to get work there. No one will hire the Irish on account of us being a bunch of thieves and beggars.
Walnut Callaghan: Sounds familiar.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Ten Bear: [speaking in Indian language] Where do we find the Burrowers?
Dull Knife: [speaking in Indian language] They'll find you. Even if you do taste like white man, now.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Faith: [speaking in Indian language] They bury their food. Let it rot. The poisoned cannot sleep.
William Parcher: They... they use some kind of poison. Bury their victims alive.
Faith: When the blood is thick and the organs are soft, they return and eat. They drink.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook They wait... They hunt... They feed.