Lone Texas Ranger is a 1945 American film directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet starring Wild Bill Elliott in the role of Red Ryder and costarring as Little Beaver, actor (Bobby) Robert Blake. It was the eighth of twenty-three Red Ryder feature films that would be produced by Republic Pictures. The picture was shot on the studio’s back lot along with outdoor locations at Iverson Ranch, 1 Iverson Lane, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, CA, USA.Synopsis
In the 1890s town of Silver City, "Iron Mike" Haines (Tom Chatterton), is a crooked sheriff who is celebrated for his character and ability to capture bad guys. The townspeople are completely unaware that he is corrupt and that the town blacksmith "Hands" Weber (Roy Barcroft), are partners in crime and are the ones instrumental in the robbing of stages and silver mines, and for framing innocent members of the population for their own misdeeds. As a result of their activities, the local Carter silver mines is near bankruptcy.