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Los Fernández de Peralvillo est un film de genre Drame avec Sara García

Los Fernández de Peralvillo (1954)

Los Fernández de Peralvillo
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Genres Drame,    Policier
Note70% 3.5091953.5091953.5091953.5091953.509195

Los Fernández de Peralvillo is a 1953 Mexican film. It stars Sara García.


Sara García

(doña Conchita Fernández; doña Chita)
David Silva

(Roberto Márquez)
Rebeca Iturbide

Leonor Llausás

Aurora Walker

(Doña Mercedes)
Bande annonce de Los Fernández de Peralvillo

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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El misterio de Huracán Ramírez, 1h26
Genres Drame, Action, Policier
Thèmes Sport
Acteurs Carmelita González, David Silva, Carlos Agostí
Note59% 2.9814852.9814852.9814852.9814852.981485
The film continues the story of Fernando Torres, now seemingly retired from lucha libre, having sold his former identity to a rival luchador. The new Huracán has proved himself to be a savvy businessman, running his own wrestling arena. The lives of Huracán and the Torres family are soon threatened however, by a local gangster known as El Príncipe (Carlos Agosti), who will stop at nothing until he discovers the true identity of Huracán Ramírez.