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Main Julian England (2007)

Main Julian England
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Main Julian England is a 2007 Pothwari/Mirpuri comedy telefilm. Main Julian England (which means "I'm going to England") is a sequel to the successful Miki Kharo England which was the first ever Pothwari comedy telefilm. It has a popular song performed by Aftab which became a cult classic and a phenomenon


Main Julian England is about a young man named Aftab (Iftikhar Thakur), who is getting married in England and plans to stay there. It carries on from part one (Miki Kharo England) where Aftab is rejected by his cousin Tina who wants to marry one of his friends Shahid "Shedu" (Anjum Malik) instead. Then Aftab's aunt (Tina's mother) promises to Aftab and his mother that she will get him married in England, and so Main Julian England shows "Shedu" and Tina getting married and Aftab getting married to a girl living in England, and another friend of theirs, Mithu (Shahzada Ghaffar), also getting married and planning to move to England. Great comedy brews as the three childhood friends begin planning their move to England.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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