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Meurtres à la Saint Valentin est un film canadien de genre Drame réalisé par George Mihalka sorti en France le 10 mars 1982 avec Lori Hallier

Meurtres à la Saint Valentin (1981)

My Bloody Valentine

Meurtres à la Saint Valentin
Si vous aimez ce film, faites-le savoir !

Axel Palmer

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Hanniger! I'll be waiting in hell for you! Harry? Harry, I'm coming! This whole FUCKING TOWN is going to die! We're coming back, you bastards! HAHAHAHA. Sarah, be my bloody valentine. HAHAHAHA. Daaaddy's gone away, Harry Warden made you pay.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Chief Jake Newby: Aren't you going to open that?
Mayor Hanniger: Yeah.
Chief Jake Newby: Better read the card first.
Mayor Hanniger: [reading from the card] From the heart comes a warning, filled with bloody good cheer, remember what happened as the 14th draws near!
Chief Jake Newby: It can't be!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mrs. Raleigh: Well, I'm afraid I have no records of a Harry Warden, past or present.
Chief Jake Newby: How can that be? He was committed there, under court order!
Mrs. Raleigh: I'm sorry. I have no records on him. In 20 years, any number of things could have happened. Now, if this Harry Warden was committed as you say, then he's simply no longer here. And if I have no records on him, I have to assume that he's transferred, he's released, or he's on the slab. One of three, take your pick.
Chief Jake Newby: One out of three? Now, look, Mrs. Raleigh, you're gonna have to do better than that. Now, I have to know what happened to this man, and I have to know what happened to him now! Now, have you checked everything?
Mrs. Raleigh: Everything except the microfilms over in central file, and it will take several days to check that.
Chief Jake Newby: I need answers fast. I'll be waiting on your call.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Jessie 'T.J.' Hanniger: We'll have a party in the mine!
Howard Landers: Yeah. Beware of Harry Warden! OOOOOOOHHHHH!
Happy: Beware of what you make fun of, you little asshole!
Howard Landers: Who?
Happy: YOU!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [Mayor Hanniger and Chief Newby are driving back to City Hall in Newby's police Suburban. The Chief gestures to the heart-shaped candy box that arrived at the police building earlier, addressed to the Mayor]
Chief Jake Newby: Aren't you going to open that?
Mayor Hanniger: Yeah.
Chief Jake Newby: Better read the card first.
[Mayor Hanniger opens the card on the front of the box]
Mayor Hanniger: [reading from the card] From the heart comes a warning, filled with bloody good cheer, remember what happened as the 14th draws near!
[Hanniger opens the box to find a blood-soaked heart inside. The chief looks over and is horrified by what he sees]
Mayor Hanniger: It can't be happening again! It can't be happening again!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Hollis: [the miners are all chewing on tobacco] Howard, you've gotta chew it, you don't blow bubbles with it!
Howard Landers: I'll take care of myself.
Hollis: How'd you ever get to be so stupid?


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook There's more than one way to lose your heart...

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Harry's out to steal your heart.