Painted Desert is a 1938 Western film directed by David Howard and starring George O'Brien and Laraine Day (billed as "Laraine Johnson"). The picture is a remake of The Painted Desert, which stars William Boyd and features an early appearance by Clark Gable in a major supporting role. The movie was partially filmed on location in Red Rock Canyon, a popular filming location during the 1930s and 1940s, with a multitude of B-Westerns being filmed there.Synopsis
Hugh Fawcett a acquis la mine de Charles Banning, mais, la croyant épuisée, il la revend à Bob McVey avec un substantiel bénéfice. Lorsque il apprend que la mine regorge de tungstène, il essaie de la récupérer par tous les moyens, même les plus malhonnête.