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Pekhawaray Mardanay (2005)

Pekhawaray Mardanay
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Pekhawaray Mardanay is a 2005 film, and writer is Tawhin Khan
In 2005, Mazhar Movies ranked the movie amongst the 26 Must See Pollywood Films.


Arbaaz Khan

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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Origine Pakistan
Acteurs Veena Malik, Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Babrik Shah, Priya, Nadeem Baig
Note68% 3.424383.424383.424383.424383.42438
The film starts as a clash between good and evil, a landscape that marks cinema across the world. The pursuits are represented in the film by two individuals who are deeply committed to their way of life. The characters are brilliantly rendered by versatile artists Nadeem and Talat Hussain, with quiet assertiveness by the former and boisterousness and exuberance by the latter.