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Pratisodh (2004)

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Pratisodh is a 2004 Bengali film directed by Anup Sengupta and produced by Shela Kalyani.The film features actors Prosenjit Chatterjee, Rachana Banerjee, Tapas Pal, Dipankar Dey, Dulal Lahiri, Anamika Saha in the lead roles. Music of the film has been composed by Ashok Bhadra.


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Agni (2004)

Réalisé par Swapan Saha
Acteurs Prosenjit Chatterjee, Rachna Banerjee, Abhishek Chatterjee, Tapas Paul, Locket Chatterjee, Rajesh Sharma
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The film is about an honest police officer, Agni (Prosenjit Chatterjee) whom terrorists are trying to murder but end up killing a number of school children in a school bus. The police officers are very worried about the rising crime rate and they vow to curb their attempts. Agni is given the charge. Agni while trying to save people from a terrorist attack in a shopping complex rescues Tina (Neelanjana) who falls in love with him. She later discovers that he is married to Chandrani (Rachana Banerjee) and even has a son Apu (Master Anshu). However this does not deter her love for him. She keeps on finding ways to go to Agni's house. She also becomes friendly with Apu. One day she takes Apu with her from school without Chandrani's permission. Apu studies in a school owned by Dr. Sayol (Tapas Pal) who does not have a child. Meanwhile Agni succeeds in catching members Pamela and Peter of the terrorist gang. During this time Agni's son is locked up by the principal of his school, who is thought to be kidnapped. Agni tries his best to find his son but fails. The principal then releases Apu who is then taken care of by Anu. Meanwhile the political agents come and kidnap Apu murdering Anu. Agni then agrees to release Pamela and Peter in return for his son. He is asked to go to the airport and place a briefcase laden with bombs. He fights with the gangsters and finally rescues his son. At last the politician is also put behind bars.
Paribar (2003)

Acteurs Prosenjit Chatterjee, Ranjit Mallick, Rachna Banerjee, Biplab Chatterjee, Dulal Lahiri, Anamika Saha

The story of the film revolves around a family, the members of which include Sagar, his parents and his siblings. One of Sagar's hands got paralyzed in an accident, in an attempt to save his mother. He and his younger brother Rahul worked in a factory. Rahul was married to Swapna, who started smuggling the factory goods illegally. When the whole matter came to light, Sagar took the blame on himself, despite of knowing the real fact. The only result was Sagar's losing the job. Later, when Sagar went to Rahul for borrowing some money due to his mother's ill health, he was harassed by his brother and an embarrassed Sagar returned empty-handed. Sagar loved Pakhi, but Pakhi's mother opposed their affair. She saw this situation as a golden opportunity to separate the two lovers. She made a deal with Sagar that she would give him the money required for his mother's treatment, but in return, he should forget Pakhi. Meanwhile, Sagar's father stole some money from Rahul without his knowing it, and it only resulted in a series of abuse made by Rahul to Sagar. A this situation, Pakhi and her father stopped a violent clash by saying that Sagar's father had not stolen the money and that, the money was borrowed from them. The film ends as Rahul's father confesses his deeds and all the misunderstandings are mutually solved. The family leads a happy life thereafter.
Kartavya (2003)

Réalisé par Swapan Saha
Acteurs Prosenjit Chatterjee, Rachna Banerjee, Abhishek Chatterjee, Tapas Paul, Locket Chatterjee, Dulal Lahiri

The movie begins with a marriage scene in which the bridegroom disagrees to marry due to non-payment of dowry by the bride`s father. In spite of his brother's request, he remains stubborn. He even throws away the garland. Raja(Prosenjit Chatterjee) comes to the scene and tries to convince the bridegroom to marry. A challenge for test of brotherhood befalls Raja calls his two brothers Rana (Lokesh) and Rakesh(Abhishek Chatterjee) and orders them to drink poison. They gladly do so. It is revealed that the water in the glass contained honey instead of poison. The groom apologises and agrees to marry. All three brothers are worried about their only sister-Pooja's (Moumita) marriage and life. But Pooja convinces them to marry. All of them visit Anjali`s house and the marriage is settled. Nahim Ghoshal (Dulal Lahiri) buys a crown for goddess Lali made of pure gold which he wishes to offer for the god. He is stopped by Rakesh and a crash takes place. Mahim Ghoshal is insulted and agrees to take revenge. Raja later drives to Mahim's house for apology on behalf of his brother. Ghosal cleverly places a proposal of marriage between his son and Pooja. Raja ignorantly agrees; as a dowry Mahim Ghosal makes Raja transfer all his property in the name of Pooja, there by making them beggars. The film advances with the display of repeated insults and plans by Mahim Ghosal towards Raja's family as revenge. He even plots to create mental tension among the family members of Raja's family. But strong bondage and dedication among the three brothers prevents the fury. On the other hand, Mahim Ghosal and his son torture Pooja brutally, but keeping Pooja`s future in mind, Raja forgives them repeatedly. Pooja is expecting a baby but her husband even tries to destroy it. There is a clash and Raja, Rana and Rakesh carry Pooja to the hospital. Pooja has a boy. Mahim Ghosal and his son apologises at the hospital. They are forgiven and they live together ever after. The title Kartavya is suitable as it reflects the duty of a brother towards his sister.
Sabuj Saathi
Réalisé par Swapan Saha
Acteurs Prosenjit Chatterjee, Rachna Banerjee, Tapas Paul, Abhishek Chatterjee, Laboni Sarkar, Dulal Lahiri

Prosenjit Chatterjee as a Sobuj loves a next door girl Rachana Banerjee as a Saathi. But eventually Sathi turns out to be his friend Rahul's lover. Sobuj does everything to protect his friend's(Abhisheek) love. He loses his mother and his family. Facing bitter circumstances Rahul learns the lessons of life. He learns to work on his own and take responsibilities. After 2 years Rahul comes back but only to settle his sister's life. Again Sobuj comes to the rescue. He agrees to marry a neural patient to salvage his friend Rahul's love. But destiny played otherwise. Rahul had to marry a girl to salvage her sister's marriage. Sobuj did everything for Sathi but did not tell that he loved her. In the end Sobuj's mother did not tell . And what else, alls well that ends well.
Mahakaal (2008)

Acteurs Prosenjit Chatterjee, Tapas Paul, Laboni Sarkar, Rajesh Sharma, Rajatava Dutta
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“Prof. Ajoy Mukherjee” and his spouse “Aditi” witness a murder, committed by the vociferous criminal “Digbijay”. In spite of repeated warnings from “Digbijay” and his right hand “Loha” the Professors give witness against them and they go to jail for 7 years. After coming out Djgbibay turns out to be even stronger. He attacks Ajoy’s family. He sends a man called “Binod Sharma” who pretends to be the friend of Joy (Ajoy’s brother). Digbijay and Binod conspire against Joy and Ajoy. After sending his own man to rob Joy of two lack rupees, Binod compels Joy to do a murder. In the meantime Digbijay stabs Ajoy and Joy gets entangled for the murder of his brother. A local inspector Dilip Lahiri also turns out to be a peer of Digbijay. While Joy remains in police custody, Digbijay tactically rapes and murders Joy’s younger sister Dia. After all these incidents Joy’s sister-in-law Aditi commits suicide. Joy teams up with his friend Kanchan and Kumar to seek revenge killing Binod, Dilip, Loha and Digbijay one after the other. Joy and his friends are jailed for 5 years.