Rangdari (Hindi: रंगदारी) is an upcoming action film starring Gaurav Chopra, Kajal Yadav, Manjul Aasim, Mushtaq Khan, Kiran Kumar, Shakti Kapoor, and others.Synopsis
The film is about Taimur Ansaar, a criminal-cum-politician who rules the badlands of 6 states of North India. In his rise to power, his friendship with his good friend Brij Singh sours and the best of friends becomes the worst of enemies. In their fight to eliminate each other and stay in power, the two lose some of their near and dear ones. It wasn’t just about staying in power but being the supreme player Rangdari. But irrespective of Taimur’s profession, the common man looks upon him as a Messiah… a real life Robinhood who helps the needy.