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Rishta hai pyar ka est un film Pakistanais avec Waheed Murad

Rishta hai pyar ka (1967)

Rishta hai pyar ka
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Rishta hai pyar ka is a Pakistani Urdu black-and-white film directed by Qamar Zaidi and produced by Iqbal Butt. It was the first Pakistani film which was picturised outside Pakistan in United Kingdom. The film cast Waheed Murad, Zeba, Iqbal Yousuf, Hanif, Farida and Adeeb.





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Note67% 3.3934053.3934053.3934053.3934053.393405
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Ehsaan (1967)

Origine Pakistan
Acteurs Waheed Murad, Zeba

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Note31% 1.5803351.5803351.5803351.5803351.580335
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