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Salute the Toff est un film Britannique de genre Policier réalisé par Maclean Rogers avec John Bentley

Salute the Toff (1952)

Salute the Toff
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Durée 1h15
Réalisé par
Genres Policier
Note57% 2.869842.869842.869842.869842.86984

Salute the Toff is a 1952 British crime film directed by Maclean Rogers and starring John Bentley and Carol Marsh. The film was based on the 1941 novel of the same name by John Creasey, the sixth in the series featuring upper-class sleuth Richard Rollison, also known as "The Toff". This film and another Toff adaptation, Hammer the Toff, were shot back-to-back at Nettlefold Studios in the summer of 1951. They were released to cinemas in January and May 1952 respectively.

Neither film is known to survive and both are classed as "missing, believed lost", although there is a degree of hope that they may be lurking as yet uncatalogued in British TV archives. Both films are included on the British Film Institute's "75 Most Wanted" list of missing British feature films. This changed in 2013 when Salute The Toff was finally released on DVD from Renown Pictures Limited.


The Honourable Richard Rollison (Bentley) is a well-known private detective who has friends and contacts in all echelons of society from the wealthy West End set to the lowest East End hovels. He likes to take on cases on behalf of underdogs, and is feared by the criminal underworld for his fearsome reputation of always getting his man.


John Bentley

(The Honourable Richard Rollison)
Carol Marsh

(Fay Gretton)
Valentine Dyall

(Inspector Grice)
Shelagh Fraser

(Myra Lorne)
Arthur Hill

(Ted Harrison)
Bande annonce de Salute the Toff

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Source : Wikidata


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