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Sand Sharks : Les Dents de la plage est un film américain de genre Science-fiction avec Corin Nemec

Sand Sharks : Les Dents de la plage (2011)

Sand Sharks : Les Dents de la plage
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Directed by Mark Atkins. Written by Cameron Larson.

Sandy Powers

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook We're stuck between a rock... and a shark place.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook If it's anything like it's mother... it's big... and it's hungry!


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Jimmy Green: Everybody just calm down. Pull yourself together.
Willie: Calm down? Jimmy? we gotta call the cops. We gotta stop sandman.
Jimmy Green: What? No NO. We can't, I can't.
Willie: What do you mean you can't? Of course you can.
Jimmy Green: I can't, Willie, you know what will happen to me if we close this down. Come on, we got the greatest beach party in history going on, we can't blow that just cause some mafia bitch lost her head.
Willie: Jimmy, it's not just about Amanda, OK? It's Sparky, it's your father, it's everybody who has died so far.
Jimmy Green: I know I was there, Willie. For your information, my father, Sparky and Amanda would all say the show must go on, so the show WILL go on.
Willie: Are you serious right now?
Jimmy Green: As a heart attack... or shark attack.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Just When You Thought You Were Safe Out of the Water.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Eric Scott Woods — Sheriff John Stone