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[after entering a room full of clones] Is that Posh Spice eating a steak and kidney pie?
Hannah: Well that proves she's not the real thing. There's Robbie Williams having a food fight with Eminem.
Tina: And Ozzy Osbourne! I can't believe they cloned Ozzy Osbourne.
Bradley: No, that's the real Ozzy Osbourne. Victor never cloned him. He's a mad scientist, but he's not insane.
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[after Plan Q is activated] Don't worry, I've seen this bit a thousand times; the heroes always save the day
Hannah: Right, so where are the heroes?
Rachel: We're the heroes, you muke
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Jo: That's it. He's fired.
Tina: Can we fire him? I mean, we signed a contract.
Jon: Yeah, but has anyone ever actually read the contract? I mean, apparently Alistair can make us weed his yeard. And you know if he ever needs a kidney transplant, one of us has got to be the donor.
Rachel: I said we should have got a proper lawyer instead of your uncle Peter.
Hannah: My uncle Peter knows the legal system a lot better than any other lawyer.
Jo: Your uncle's an ex-con.