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Sex est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Fred Niblo avec Louise Glaum

Sex (1920)

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Durée 1h27
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note58% 2.913592.913592.913592.913592.91359

Sex is a 1920 American silent drama film directed by Fred Niblo, written by C. Gardner Sullivan, produced by J. Parker Read, and starring Louise Glaum. On its surface, the film was a morality story on the evils of marital infidelity. However, the film's producer, J. Parker Read, had made a series of pictures on sex themes. The release of Sex, with its provocative title and explicit scenes of seduction and debauchery, made it the subject of controversy among censors and commentators.


The film is a morality story on the evils of marital infidelity and the wild lifestyle of New York actors. At the same time, the film included scenes of seduction and debauchery that made it the subject of controversy over its prurient content.


Louise Glaum

(Adrienne Renault)
Irving Cummings

(Dave Wallace)
Viola Barry

(Daisy Henderson (as Peggy Pearce))
Peggy Pearce

(Daisy Henderson)
Myrtle Stedman

(Mrs. Overman)
Bande annonce de Sex

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Source : Wikidata


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