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Sherlock Holmes - Une étude en rouge est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Edwin L. Marin avec Reginald Owen

Sherlock Holmes - Une étude en rouge (1933)

Sherlock Holmes - Une étude en rouge
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Sherlock Holmes: I'll, ahh, take up your case.
Mrs. Murphy: Mind you, it'll have to be for love.
Sherlock Holmes: Love?
Mrs. Murphy: For nix. I've noticed how you like workin' for nothin'.
Sherlock Holmes: My interest is to bring the criminal to justice.
Mrs. Murphy: Well, never mind about justice, never mind about the crime. All I want is my husband's lawful money. And I want you to slap that thievin' lawyers face right across, between his greasy fat chops. Good night, Mr. Holmes. I'll be seeing you and thank you kindly.


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