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Smilin' Guns est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Henry MacRae avec Hoot Gibson

Smilin' Guns (1929)

Smilin' Guns
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Genres Western

Smilin' Guns was an American silent Western film, directed by Henry MacRae and starring Hoot Gibson.


Cowboy Jack "Dirty Neck" Purvin travels to San Francisco to learn how to become a refined gentleman in order to impress Helen van Smythe. Upon his return from San Francisco, Purvin is forced to shed his training to save van Smythe from the grasp of a count, and her mother from a jewel thief.


Hoot Gibson

(Jack Purvin)
Blanche Mehaffey

(Helen van Smythe)
Virginia Pearson

(Mrs. van Smythe)
Leo White

(Count Baretti)
Walter Brennan

(Ranch Foreman)
James Bradbury Jr

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