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Tengkorak Hidoep est un film de genre Aventure réalisé par Tan Tjoei Hock avec Mohamad Mochtar

Tengkorak Hidoep (1941)

Tengkorak Hidoep
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Réalisé par
Genres Aventure,    Horreur
Note26% 1.317881.317881.317881.317881.31788

Tengkorak Hidoep (literally The Living Skull) is a 1941 film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) directed by Tan Tjoei Hock. It has been called Indonesia's first domestic horror film.


Raden Darmadji and several of his friends go to the island of Mustika in search of Darmadji's brother, who was lost in a shipwreck ten years earlier. There, they discover that the god Maha Daru, who was locked away on the island 2,000 years before after losing a battle to the goddess Gumba. Darmadji, while exploring a cave, notices a huge rain storm. The earth rips asunder and Maha Daru escapes his prison.


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