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The Bank Raiders est un film Britannique de genre Policier avec Sandra Dorne

The Bank Raiders (1958)

The Bank Raiders
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Durée 1h2
Genres Policier
Note56% 2.817532.817532.817532.817532.81753

The Bank Raiders is a 1958 British crime film directed by Maxwell Munden and starring Peter Reynolds, Sandra Dorne and Lloyd Lamble.


Terry, a small-time hoodlum, is the driver in a successful bank robbery. He gets his share of the loot and is told to lie low. Instead, he goes on the town with Della, a gorgeous, but greedy, party girl. Terry is questioned and released by police. Bernie Shelton, the gang boss, kidnaps the only witness. Then he sends his goon (Linders) to kill Terry, but Linders gets shot instead. With police after him, Terry seeks shelter in Della's apartment. When Della learns that Shelton, a man who spurned her, was behind the raid, she promises to run away with Terry, if he'll confront boss at gun-point to get the rest of the loot


Sandra Dorne

(Della Byrne)
Sydney Tafler

(Bernie Shelton)
Rose Hill

Arthur Mullard

(Joe Linders)
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