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The Circular Staircase est un film réalisé par Edward LeSaint avec Guy Oliver

The Circular Staircase (1915)

The Circular Staircase
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The Circular Staircase est un film muet américain réalisé par Edward LeSaint et sorti en 1915.

Le scénario est inspiré d'un roman de Mary Roberts Rinehart : The Circular Staircase (publié en français sous le titre L'Escalier en spirale et L'escalier en colimaçon)


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His Father's Rifle
Réalisé par Edward LeSaint
Origine Etats-Unis
Acteurs Earle Foxe, Stella LeSaint, Bertram Grassby, Guy Oliver

James Birch, an English hunter, is accidentally shot by the servant of Kirke Warren, a wild animal painter who is camping in the jungle. The terrified servant leaves the rifle, which is marked with his master's initials beside the body of the man. Later Warren meets Mrs. Birch, the widow of the unfortunate hunter and is invited to a house party given by her. Here he finds the rifle, which she has kept in hopes of some time discovering the identity of her husband's supposed murderer. Thinking that Warren is the man, she plans vengeance by sending him hunting with the rifle equipped with cartridges a size too large. As a result of these cartridges jamming when Warren is attacked by a lion, he is nearly killed by this ferocious beast. In the meantime, Mrs. Birch becoming conscience stricken, sets out to find the hunting party in order to prevent the catastrophe which she had planned. After losing her way and falling in with a band of hostile Zulus, she is rescued through the efforts of Warren, who though wounded, leads the searching party. While Warren is being nursed back to life, the servant confesses the truth about the shooting. Mr. Warren and Mrs. Birch discover that she and Warren have grown to love one another.