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The Diamond Man est un film de genre Policier avec Arthur Wontner

The Diamond Man (1924)

The Diamond Man
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Genres Policier

The Diamond Man is a 1924 British crime film directed by Arthur Rooke and starring Arthur Wontner, Mary Odette and Reginald Fox. It was based on a novel by Edgar Wallace. The movie is silent and black and white. Distributed by Butcher's film service, script written by Eliot Stannard, and produced by I.B. Davidson Film Company.


The Diamond Man is about an orphan who takes the blame for her sister's crime, and later reveals her boss as her evil husband.


Arthur Wontner

(Lady Marshalt)
Mary Odette

(Audrey Torrington)
Gertrude McCoy

(Mrs. Marshalt)
Bande annonce de The Diamond Man

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Source : Wikidata


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