A wealthy young woman, Agnes (played by Burton), is loved by the identical twin brothers Clyde and Ward Kingsley (dual role played by Russell). She marries Clyde and he immediately begins squandering her fortune. When the money is almost gone, Clyde comes up with a plan to collect on his life insurance policy. As his brother, Ward, who still loves Agnes, is terminally ill, he persuades him to take his place so the insurance company will believe that Clyde has died instead of Ward.
Réalisé parWilliam Desmond Taylor, Jacques Jaccard GenresAventure ActeursLottie Pickford, Irving Cummings, Charlotte Burton, William Russell, George Periolat, William Russell Note53% The prologue, in the serial's first episode, "A Heritage of Hate", depicts the finding of “The Diamond From the Sky” which later becomes the heirloom of the Stanley family, while the two reels of the first chapter show the intense rivalry between Colonel Arthur Stanley and Judge Lamar Stanley, Virginia aristocrats and descendants of Lord Arthur Stanley, two hundred years later.