The Frightened Man is a 1952 British crime film directed by John Gilling and starring Dermot Walsh, Barbara Murray and Charles Victor. It is also known by the alternative title of Rosselli and Son and was shot at Twickenham and Riverside Studios. Its plot concerns a son of a rag-and-bone man who suffers a dramatic fall from grace.Synopsis
Junk dealer Roselli's dreams for his son Julius are disappointed when the young man is thrown out of Oxford after poor grades. The boy then gets involved with a gang of Camden Town jewel thieves for whom his father is secretly the fence, and when they attempt to rob a warehouse, Julius is injured in the getaway but continues his involvement. The gang next plan a raid on a jeweller’s in Hatton Garden and also plan to cut out Roselli. The old man tips off the police – unaware that his son is a member of the gang.