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The Oath of Tsuru San est un film américain réalisé par Lucius Henderson avec William Garwood

The Oath of Tsuru San (1913)

The Oath of Tsuru San
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The Oath of Tsuru San is a 1913 American silent short drama film starring William Garwood and Japanese actress Tsuru Aoki.


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Rough-and-tumble Gold Rush-era California: a woman (Salomy Jane) is saved from a ruffian (Red Pete) by a heroic stranger (Jack Dart), the latter saved from a lynching when falsely accused of a crime.
Adrift (1911)

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An official synopsis of the film was published in The Moving Picture World states: "Jack Thorne, a young artist, finds his efforts unappreciated, and he and his wife and little daughter are on the verge of starvation. The final blow comes when his last painting, on which he had built much hope, was rejected by a rich man, whom an artist chum kindly brought to the impoverished studio. Jack decides that he can struggle no longer. Unseen by his wife, he picks up his revolver, puts it in his pocket and goes out, intending to end everything. But his little daughter has watched him; she follows him and stays his hand. Her prayers and entreaties bring him to a realization of what his rash act would mean to the two helpless ones that would be left behind. Penitent and remorseful, he accompanies his child back to their poor home. There he confesses to his wife that it was only the child's timely interference that saved him from ending it all. The mother drops on her knees beside her child, and clasping her in her arms, raises grateful eyes to Heaven in a prayer of thankfulness. Jack, looking up suddenly, sees the beautiful group of mother and child, with a light as if from Heaven upon them. Realizing that [this] is the inspiration and subject for which he has sought in vain, he calls for them not to move, and at once begins his great painting of them, which brings him fame and wealth.
When Love Was Blind
Réalisé par Lucius Henderson
Origine Etats-Unis

The film is focuses on May Read, the daughter of a wealthy widow, who was blinded by an unknown affliction when she was a child. While her mother is away, a fire starts in the house and May is left in the blaze while the servants flee. Frank Larson makes his way into the burning house and brings May out to the safety of the street, but doing so has disfigured him for life. May and Frank fall in love and the couple are married with the blessing of May's mother.
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Le Dr Jekyll aux cheveux blancs s'est secrètement enfermé dans son laboratoire, s'administrant une fiole de formule. Il s'affale sur sa chaise, la tête sur sa poitrine. Alors que le médicament fait lentement effet, une bête aux cheveux noirs, aux griffes et aux deux grands crocs apparaît sur la chaise. Après une utilisation répétée, l'alter ego maléfique de Jekyll émerge à volonté, faisant tomber une petite fille dans la rue et allant jusqu'à assassiner le père de sa petite amie (le pasteur local). La personnalité maléfique retourne en courant au laboratoire pour découvrir que l'antidote est terminé et qu'il devra rester à jamais M. Hyde. Un policier costaud enfonce la porte de Jekyll avec une hache pour trouver le gentil docteur mort d'avoir bu du poison.