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The Priestess est un film réalisé par Vigen Chaldranyan

The Priestess (2007)

The Priestess
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Durée 1h49
Réalisé par
Note62% 3.130043.130043.130043.130043.13004

The Priestess (Armenian: Քրմուհին Qrmuhin) written by Chaldranian and renowned Armenian screenwriter Anahit Aghasaryan, draws inspiration from "an anonymous woman" recorded in the mysterious Fourth Century manuscript 'The History" by Armenian historian Agathangelos. The film is set in Armenia, in present-day Yerevan, with scenes to the ancient past, circa 301 AD, a time when pagan gods and priestesses ruled the nation. Cinematic framing of the Armenian countryside nestled in front of a biblically famous Mount Ararat backdrop, creates a spectacular canvas to unfold this thought-provoking account, with memorable performances by Mesropyan and Chaldranian. The film is in Armenian accompanied by English subtitles, runs 109 minutes in length, with original music composed by Ara Gevorgyan and Nathan Lanier.
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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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