The Queen and I (Swedish: Drottningen och jag) is a 2008 Swedish-made documentary feature film about Farah Pahlavi, the former Queen and Empress of Iran. The film was produced and directed by Iranian-Swedish filmmaker Nahid Persson Sarvestani. The film follows the former queen and empress and the director, a former communist, as they share ideas and concerns about the country they were both forced to leave after the revolution.Synopsis
Après avoir quitté l’Iran en 1980, la réalisatrice Nahid Persson Sarvestani réalise un documentaire sur la Reine Farah, veuve du Shah d’Iran, elle aussi exilée à Paris depuis bientôt 30 ans. En résulte un fascinant face-à-face entre ces deux femmes aux vues politiques radicalement opposées, mais qu’une amitié naissante va rapprocher.