Tom On Mars is a 2005 16mm black & white science fiction film, directed by Andrei Severny. The seven-minute love-story of Tom and Maria is based on a number of real-life cases of dangerous psychological challenges experienced by astronauts during long space assignments or by researchers staying in remote areas such as Antarctica.
The film was part of the official selection at Festival de Nationen in Austria, International Science Film Festival in Hungary, Filmstock Film Festvial in UK, West Chester Short Film Festival, Red Shift Film Festival and Festival of Cinema and Technology in the USA. The film was shot on location in New York City.
^ "Sun King". Pablo Goldbarg, Film Critic. Retrieved 2014-07-25.
^ "Univercity of Denver archival copy of Tom on Mars". WorldCat. Retrieved 2014-07-25.Synopsis
Tom is the astronaut who in 2049 goes on the second mission to Mars. Just a few days before the start of his mission he meets the love of his life - Maria. Going further away from Earth during his complex and risky space travel Tom starts to experience serious psychological difficulties. Close confinement, isolation and inability to remain in touch with Maria make him shut down communications with the mission control. The enduring test does not finish even upon his return from a 70 million-miles journey.