Vinay Rai Karthik Sadha Jhansi Tanisha Deepika, a bubbly, happy-go lucky young girl, who likes the antics of Karthik unlike Jhansi, prompting her to fall in love. Lekha Washington cameo role(Caméo) Raju Sundaram Raju, an energetic friend to Karthik with a severe habit of ruining the situation. Srinath Vaidyanathan, he meets Karthik in Melbourne and becomes an advisor to him. Sathish Krishnan Sathish, a silent friend to Karthik who attempts to reconcile the relationship. Paloma Rao Priya(Caméo) Vasundhara Kashyap cameo role(Caméo) Aravind Akash cameo role Uma Padmanabhan