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Unstoppable est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Tony Scott sorti en France le 10 novembre 2010 avec Denzel Washington

Unstoppable (2010)

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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [to Will] You are a funny guy. Well-trained, but funny.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook This ain't training. In training, they just give you an F. Out here, you get killed.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook This is Will Colson, [the] conductor. I'm letting you know we're going to run this bitch down.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Connie: How the hell did this happen?
Dewey: It just got away from me.
Connie: It got away from you? It's a train, Dewey, not a chipmunk!
Dewey: I had to leave the cab to throw a switch.
Connie: You left the cab?!
Gileece: Yeah, and it gets worse. The air brakes weren't tied on. They aren't tied on, still.
Connie: We've got an unmanned train rolling into opposing traffic with no air brakes?! Is that what you're telling me?
Dewey: I set the independent brake. That'll for sure stop it.
Connie: How fast is it going?
Dewey: No more than 10 miles per.
Connie: Okay, jump on the high rail and go after it.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Will: Are you 100% sure that de-railer won't work?
Frank: Yes. 100%? No.
Will: Well, which one is it?
Frank: [pauses] 50-50.
Will: Very funny. And if it does?
Frank: If it does, then...we're a wreck on a wreck.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Will: What's the fastest you've taken a single engine like this?
Frank: Unattached?
Will: Yeah.
Frank: 50, 55. Of course, I was going forward.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Connie: [walking up to Frank and Will] Sir, I was wondering if you could help me?
Frank: Connie?
Connie: I can't decide which I one of you I'm going to kiss first.
Frank: Me.
[all three of them laugh happily]
Will: Problem solved. Go get 'em, Connie.
Connie: All right, bring it on.
[She kisses Frank on the cheek while Will kisses his wife, Darcy]


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Ryan Ahern as Ryan Scott