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Zombies of the Stratosphere est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Fred C. Brannon avec Judd Holdren

Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952)

Zombies of the Stratosphere
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Réalisé par
Genres Science-fiction,    Action
Note48% 2.437962.437962.437962.437962.43796

Zombies of the Stratosphere is a 1952 black-and-white Republic Studios serial that was intended to be their second featuring "new hero" Commando Cody and the third 12-chapter serial featuring the rocket-powered flying jacket and helmet introduced in King of the Rocket Men (1949). Instead, for reasons unknown, the hero was renamed "Larry Martin," who must prevent Martian invaders from using a hydrogen bomb to blow Earth out of its orbit, away from the Sun, so that Mars can take its position. As in Radar Men from the Moon (also released in 1952), most of the screen time for each of the dozen chapters is spent on fistfights and car chases between the heroes and a gang of crooks hired by Narab and his extraterrestrial colleague Marex to steal and stockpile the Atomic supplies needed for construction of the H-bomb.

The serial was directed by Fred C. Brannon, with a screenplay by Ronald Davidson, and the special effects by Republic's Lydecker brothers. The serial is remembered today as one of the first screen appearances of a young Leonard Nimoy, who plays one of the three Martian invaders, Narab. In 1958, a feature film version of this serial, retitled Satan's Satellites, was made by editing down the serial's footage to feature film length.


Des envahisseurs martiens viennent sur Terre pour y construire une bombe H avec l'aide d'un traitre, un savant atomiste, afin de déplacer la Terre de son orbite et mettre Mars à sa place afin qu'elle bénéficie ainsi d'un meilleur climat. Mais l'agent de sécurité Larry Martin (qui vole grace à sa combinaison expérimentale) va tenter contrecarrer leur plan machiavélique et sauver la Terre...


Judd Holdren

(Larry Martin)
Aline Towne

(Sue Davis)
Lane Bradford

John Crawford

Leonard Nimoy

Ray Boyle

Bande annonce de Zombies of the Stratosphere

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Source : Wikidata

Republic serials

Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island (1936) Darkest Africa (1936) Undersea Kingdom (1936) Zorro l'Indomptable (1936) Dick Tracy (1937) Zorro Rides Again (1937) La Caravane de l'enfer (1937) SOS Coast Guard (1937) Les Justiciers du Far-West (1938) Dick Tracy Returns (1938) The Fighting Devil Dogs (1938) Hawk of the Wilderness (1938) Les Trois Diables rouges (1939) Dick Tracy's G-Men (1939) Zorro et ses légionnaires (1939) The Lone Ranger Rides Again (1939) King of the Royal Mounted (1940) Adventures of Red Ryder (1940) Le Mysterieux docteur Satan (1940) Les Tambours De Fu Manchu (1940) Le Capitaine Marvel (1941) Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. (1941) La fille de la jungle (1941) King of the Texas Rangers (1941) Spy Smasher (serial) (1942) King of the Mounties (1942) Perils of Nyoka (1942) G-men vs. the Black Dragon (1943) The Masked Marvel (1943) Secret Service In Darkest Africa (1943) Daredevils of the West (1943) The Tiger Woman (1944) Captain America (serial) (1944) Zorro et la femme au masque noir (1944) Haunted Harbor (1944) Federal Operator 99 (1945) Manhunt of Mystery Island (1945) The Purple Monster Strikes (1945) The Phantom Rider (1946) The Crimson Ghost (1946) Daughter of Don Q (1946) King of the Forest Rangers (1946) Le Fils de Zorro (1947) The Black Widow (1947) Jesse James Rides Again (1947) G-Men Never Forget (1948) Adventures of Frank and Jesse James (1948) Dangers of the Canadian Mounted (1948) Radar Patrol vs. Spy King (1949) Federal Agents vs. Underworld, Inc. (1949) Le Fantôme de Zorro (1949) The James Brothers of Missouri (1949) King of the Rocket Men (1949) Flying Disc Man from Mars (1950) The Invisible Monster (1950) Desperadoes of the West (1950) Government Agents vs Phantom Legion (1951) Zorro le diable noir (1951) Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952) Le Conquérant de la  Lune (1952) Jungle Drums of Africa (1953) Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders (1953) Le Triomphe de Zorro (1954) Trader Tom of the China Seas (1954) King of the Carnival (1955) Panther Girl of the Kongo (1955)


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