The film starts with a brief pre-title clip from presenter Greg Palast’s aborted interview with Florida Director of Elections Clayton Roberts, who walks out.
Six mois après les événements tragiques du 11 septembre 2001, le journaliste américain Don Larson se rend en Afghanistan afin de retrouver Oussama Ben Laden. Des enregistrements vidéo lui ayant appartenus sont retrouvés par le ministère de la défense américaine...
The film follows with the journey of the Pakistani rock star Salman Ahmad, a US citizen of Pakistani origin, asks fellow Muslims what it’s like to be Muslim in post-9/11 America.
The film takes place prior to the September 11 attacks in 2001, and though based on the findings of the actual 9/11 Commission Report made after the attacks, the film fictionalizes some elements of the report for the sake of artistic license.
Based on three short plays by Susan Charlotte, the film follows the lives of six characters: a shoemaker and his customer, a cabbie and his passenger, and a dyslexic director and his date.
In 2001 Japanese American painter, Jimmy Mirikitani (born Tsutomu Mirikitani), and over 80 years old, was living on the streets of lower Manhattan. Filmmaker, Linda Hattendorf, took an interest and began
Quelques jours avant le 11 septembre 2001, différents personnages se retrouvent à Venise pour s'entrecroiser dans une ambiance sulfureuse où règne un sentiment préapocalyptique.