The dawn of the Space Age is amidst the crucible of World War II. Prompted by gaining pre-eminence in the high-ground of space, the world's triumphant superpowers race to dominate orbit, the Moon and beyond. To this end, the United States government under President Truman commits to founding the National Council of Astronautics (NCA) and the United States Space Force (USSF) in 1949. After a period of technological development and installation of infrastructure, Eagle One lands the first men on the Moon in July 1963. With continued lunar operations, the eyes of the NCA turn to Mars, landing there in 1968. The 1970s and beyond are devoted to technological expansion and the privatisation of space, leading to a very different modern day. The film is told through the eyes of those who witnessed and lived through these historical events.
Le film se déroule sur Mars, vingt ans après que des colonies martiennes aient retrouvés la liberté, guidée lors de ce combat par Alec Mason (Robert Patrick). Autrefois chef charismatique, Alec n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-même depuis l'assassinat de sa femme et l'enlèvement de sa fille Lyra (Tamzin Merchant) douze ans auparavant. Depuis, son fils Jake Mason (Brian J. Smith) est devenu officier de la milice Red Faction, et lors d'une mission, il rencontre une jeune femme appartenant à la colonie terrienne qui a tué sa mère. Convaincu que cette jeune femme est sa sœur, enlevée il y a 12 ans auparavant, il décide de tout faire pour la ramener chez lui. Mais ceci ne se fera pas sans risques et sans pertes en vie humaine, comme celle de son père, avant que Lyra ne soit enfin de retour chez les siens.
Lost on Mars was based on what it might have been like if Mars was populated with a civilization and had an atmosphere billions of years ago. Space Command sends a rocket ship to Mars to investigate a signal that Earth received from Mars. Once the crew arrives on the planet they encounter strange things beneath the surface of the planet. Alex Quin an astronaut enters a monument on Mars where he finds a room full of gold and silver, he also finds a strange box; within this box there is a device which he takes back to the ship. A violent storm erupts on his way back and the rocket ship needs to take off immediately before it strikes. The crew tries to launch but it's too late and the storm hits the ship hard making the ship go out of control directing the ship back towards the planet. One of the astronauts notices something very strange on her monitor which shows in the cargo bay there is a very strong energy field being created. The energy is coming from the box that Alex brought aboard. This energy force is what creates a door way back into time, a door way back into Mar's past. Once they travel back into time the three astronauts find a strange new world, a world of barbaric proportions. While on the surface of Mars they are imprisoned tortured and brought forth to the Siperion Empire for their judgment. Their only hope is to figure out how to get back to their ship in hope they can return home.
Empire of Danger is about a rescue mission sent to Mars to find out what happened to the astronauts from the first mission to Mars. A rocket is launched towards Mars with an experimental spacecraft capable of traveling through time. The astronauts attempt to travel back through time over 300 billion years ago into Mars past in hope of finding out why Space command lost contact with the first mission. As the spacecraft attempts to travel back in time, Earth urgently tries to send a radio transmission to abort their mission. The crew receives the information but it's to late and they travel back into Mars past anyway throwing them ten years off their projected time curve from the first crew. Once on the planet surface they encounter a world with a thriving atmosphere, a world similar to Earth but controlled by the Siperion Empire a ruthless barbarian culture who are at war with an alliance of planets in their home solar system. Mars was taken from the alliance by the Siperion army during the war. The planet is used for mining raw minerals and used as a Top secret base to construct weapons of mass destruction to destroy their enemy's with.
Une expédition scientifique américaine composé de 4 scientifiques (3 hommes et une femme) ainsi que d'un journaliste après avoir atterri sur Mars en catastrophe en endommageant leur fusée, découvre que la planète rouge est habitée par une civilisation souterraine extrêmement évolué mais agonisante. Les Martiens sont divisés sur la conduite à tenir vis-à-vis des Terriens, la majorité du conseil dirigeant décide de les aider à réparer leur vaisseau, puis lorsque celui-ci sera prêt de s'en emparer et de s'en servir de modèle pour construite une flotte permettant aux martiens d'envahir la terre. Cependant les Terriens se font des sympathisants parmi les Martiens. Un plan nait qui permettra aux terriens de regagner la Terre en compagnie du chef de l'opposition et de la fille de son bras droit.