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Aanaahad est un Acteur Indien né le 29 novembre 1982


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Nationalité Inde
Naissance 29 novembre 1982 (41 ans)

Aanaahad (Hindi: अनाहद) (born 29 November 1982) is an Indian actor who appears in Bollywood movies. He first appeared in the 2010 award winning, internationally acclaimed film Lahore for which he won award for Best Actor at Salento International Film Festival, 2009 and Tenerife International Film Festival, 2009.

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Filmographie de Aanaahad (1 films)

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Lahore (2010)
, 2h6
Réalisé par Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan
Genres Drame, Action
Thèmes Sport, Arts martiaux, La boxe
Acteurs Aanaahad, Nafisa Ali, Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Sushant Singh, Farooq Sheikh, Shraddha Nigam
Rôle Veerender Singh
Note62% 3.1475653.1475653.1475653.1475653.147565
An Indian kickboxer defeats a Pakistani kickboxer in an international tournament. But the event ends in a tragedy due to the Pakistani players intemperance. Will the peace process initiated by the two countries lose its momentum, especially when the Indian hero's brother is determined to avenge his family and country during a second international bout that is being held in Lahore?