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Ayoob Khoso est un Acteur

Ayoob Khoso

Ayoob Khoso
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Ayub Khoso (Urdu: ايوب کھوسھ, کھوسو ) ethnic Baloch, he was born in Quetta, Pakistan. He started his acting career at school. He is fluent in Balochi, Pashto, Brahui, Sindhi, Persian, Urdu and English. He has acted in TV serials. He is also involved in politics and been Supporting the Pakistan Peoples Party from Jacobabad, Sindh.
On 5-3-2013 He announced to join PML-N

Le plus souvent avec

Ayub Khoso
Ayub Khoso
(3 films)
Summer Nicks
Summer Nicks
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Iman Ali
Iman Ali
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Nayyar Ejaz
Nayyar Ejaz
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Ayoob Khoso (5 films)

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Swaarangi (2015)
, 1h46
Origine Pakistan
Genres Drame, Aventure, Policier
Acteurs Ayoob Khoso, Resham, Ayub Khoso
Note72% 3.6448053.6448053.6448053.6448053.644805
Salma's husband, Jamal is not the easiest man to get along with, but for the sake of their children, she stays with him. Jamal is a heroin addict, dependent on Salma's instincts to protect her wedding vows so he can take advantage of her honorability to get his daily fix. He is lost without her, desperate to change however willing to sell his soul to the devil if need be. Although Salma is powerless to change his sick ways but she has to stand against the odds and struggle for everything she got. Zaryaab is the man who controls the illegal activities of the area. He is fully supported by the powerful syndicate head Saien. Swaarangi is an entertwined story about life, fate, sacrifice and survival.
Sultanat (2014)

Origine Pakistan
Genres Drame, Action, Policier, Romance
Acteurs Ahsan Khan, Javeria Abbasi, Javed Sheikh, Achint Kaur, Deepak Shirke, Kashif Mehmood
Note53% 2.6806852.6806852.6806852.6806852.680685
The film and television series is said is to about underworld mafia.
In the Name of God, 2h47
Réalisé par Shoaib Mansoor
Origine Pakistan
Genres Drame, Action
Thèmes Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, Religion, Le terrorisme, Religion musulmane, Film catastrophe, Détournement d'avion
Acteurs Shaan Shahid, Naseeruddin Shah, Fawad Afzal Khan, Fawad Khan, Iman Ali, Hameed Sheikh
Note82% 4.146294.146294.146294.146294.14629
Three people on three continents have problems that relate to Pakistani culture and the subsequent misinterpretations of Islam in Pakistan's society.