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Doris Keane est une Actrice Américaine née le 12 décembre 1881 à Saint-Joseph (Etats-Unis)

Doris Keane

Doris Keane
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Nom de naissance Doris Keane
Nationalité Etats-Unis
Naissance 12 décembre 1881 à Saint-Joseph (Etats-Unis)
Mort 25 novembre 1945 (à 63 ans) à New York (Etats-Unis)

Doris Keane, née le 12 décembre 1881 à Saint-Joseph (Michigan) aux États-Unis, est une actrice américaine, de théâtre et du cinéma muet, connue pour un seul film, Amour d'antan, en 1920. Son rôle principal est celui de Mme Cavallini, qu'elle joue au théâtre à Broadway tout comme au cinéma. Après son rôle au cinéma, elle continue à jouer au théâtre, et finit sa carrière en 1925, dans la pièce Starlight. Elle est l'épouse de l'acteur Basil Sydney, mais ils divorcent en 1925. Elle meurt d'un cancer, à New York, le 25 novembre 1945.


Early life and family
She was born in the St. Joseph, Michigan to Joseph Keane and Minnie Florence Winter, a comedienne. She was educated largely in Europe.

Her first professional role was in Whitewashing Julia in 1903. This was a small role but she went on to play leading roles in The Happy Marriage in 1909 and The Lights o' London in 1911.

In 1913, she played Margherita Cavallini in Edward Sheldon's Romance. Her leading man in this long running play was William Courtenay who played the part of a priest. Sheldon had originally offered the male lead to his friend John Barrymore. Barrymore turned it down preferring to still do comedies. Sheldon reportedly fell in love with her and yearned for her all his life. She played this part in America and Europe for the next five years and returned in revivals regularly during the 1920s.

In 1920, she made a silent film of Romance distributed by the then newly formed United Artists. Her male lead in the film was Norman Trevor. She played Catherine the Great in Czarina in 1922 after Sheldon had revised the play especially for her.

She married the actor Basil Sydney, thirteen years her junior, in 1918; they divorced in 1925. She had one child, Ronda Keane (1915-2008), born in Cannes, France in 1915. Ronda's father was the financier Howard Gould. He acknowledged his paternity but never married Doris. Ronda married Dr Carl Muschenheim, a New York based thoracic specialist, in 1951.

Doris Keane was an avid reader, leaving behind an extensive library including The Upanishads. She was a favorite subject for artists of the day, among them the sculptor Jacob Epstein and the portraitist De Laszlo. There are at least two Royal Dalton figurines of her, one holding the monkey that was part of the 'Romance' play.

She died in New York City at the LeRoy Sanitarium where she was being treated for cancer aged 63 in November 1945 and was cremated; she is buried on Martha's Vineyard. Her daughter Ronda's ashes were interred with her when Ronda died in 2008.

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Filmographie de Doris Keane (1 films)

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Amour d'antan, 1h10
Réalisé par Chester Withey
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Théâtre, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Doris Keane, Basil Sydney, Betty Ross Clarke, Amelia Summerville, John Davidson
Rôle Madame Cavallini

As described in a film publication, a youth (Arthur Rankin) in the prologue seeks advice from his grandfather (Sydney), who then recalls a romance of his own youth which is then shown as a flashback. A priest (Sydney) is in love with an Italian opera singer (Keane), and the drama involves the conflict between his efforts to rise above worldly things or to leave with her. The romance ends with a deep note of pathos.