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George Clark est un Acteur et Producteur Britannique né le 1888 à Bromley (Royaume-uni)

George Clark

George Clark
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Nationalité Royaume-uni
Naissance 1888 à Bromley (Royaume-uni)
Mort 1946 (à 57 ans) à Londres (Royaume-uni)

George Clark (1888-1946) was a British film actor and film producer during the silent era. For many years Clark worked with the British star Guy Newall, who he had met during the First World War. Together they founded Lucky Cat Films and later George Clark Productions, securing a distribution arrangement with the larger Stoll Pictures.

After initially working out of a studio on Ebury Street in Central London, they raised finance to construct Beaconsfield Studios and work began in 1921. They opened the new studio the following year, but after being hit by the Slump of 1924 remained largely inactive for the rest of the decade. Clark later sold the studios to the British Lion Film Corporation in 1929.

Le plus souvent avec

Tom Mix
Tom Mix
(1 films)
Guy Newall
Guy Newall
(1 films)
Theda Bara
Theda Bara
(2 films)
Herbert Heyes
Herbert Heyes
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de George Clark (5 films)

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The Tiger Woman, 1h
Réalisé par J. Gordon Edwards, George Bellamy
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Theda Bara, George Clark, John Webb Dillon, Louis Dean, Herbert Heyes, Kittens Reichert
Rôle Marion's Father
Note55% 2.7939852.7939852.7939852.7939852.793985
Countess Irma (Theda Bara) is a Russian villainess who becomes the ruthless Princess Petrovich, who loves only her pearls. Her husband, the Prince (Edward Roseman), sells state secrets to a spy to pay her exorbitant bills, and her response is to report him to the secret police.
The Vixen
The Vixen (1916)
, 1h
Réalisé par J. Gordon Edwards
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Theda Bara, Herbert Heyes, George Clark, Carl Gerard
Rôle Adm. Drummond

Elsie Drummond (Theda Bara) is the spoiled daughter of an Admiral (George Clarke) who wanted much more than her father's position in society could offer. She didn't have the ability to meet men and socialize with them, but she thinks in a way of lure them in once they were within her limited circle.
Twisted Trails
Réalisé par Tom Mix
Genres Western
Acteurs Tom Mix, Frank Clark, Eugenie Besserer, Sid Jordan, George Clark, Bessie Eyton
Rôle Caleb 'Reb' West, Hotel Owner (as G. Clarke)
Note28% 1.4376651.4376651.4376651.4376651.437665
