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German Pinelli est un Acteur Cubain né le 15 décembre 1907

German Pinelli

German Pinelli
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Nationalité Cuba
Naissance 15 décembre 1907
Mort 19 novembre 1996 (à 88 ans)

German Pinelli (born Germán Piniella Vázquez de Mella on December 15, 1907 in Havana, Cuba - November 19, 1996 in Havana, Cuba) was a Cuban journalist and actor.

His voice was first heard on the radio waves when he was 14 years old, and a student at the prestigious Colegio de Belén for boys, run by the Jesuits. The Freemasons were raising funds for their orphanage, La Misericordia, by putting on a show at the Campoamor Theater, and they invited young Pinelli to sing.

Thirty years later, his face would be the first to appear on Cuban television screens. Pinelli studied piano and guitar and was a musician with the Orchestra Palau. He won a scholarship to study bel canto in Italy, but never received the funds, so he remained in Cuba and studied theater with his sister, Soledad. When he first approached Goar Mestre, the CEO of CMQ Radio and Television studios, for a job, he was told “he did not have the voice for radio.”

The turning point in young Pinelli's journalistic career came with his daring live coverage of the fight between two rival gangs on the corner of Orfila Street. There, lying on the floor, he reported the bloodbath. After that, his place in Cuban Journalism was secured. This incident began his long and illustrious career.

He became known for his wit and ability to hold an audience captive. During his lifetime, he received many honors both from the cultural community as well as from the government. He is buried in the Colon Cemetery, Havana, Cuba

He was married three times. His sister was the Cuban actress Sol Pinelli and his son is Tony Pinelli, the award winning Cuban composer, singer and musical scholar. Tony's sons are German David Pinelli (born September 24, 1973) and Ari A. Pinelli (born June 9, 1976), who along with German David's wife, Ana Paez (born January 9, 1966) are members of the Cuban musical group Los Tres de la Habana.

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Filmographie de German Pinelli (2 films)

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Retrato de Teresa, 1h43
Réalisé par Pastor Vega
Origine Cuba
Genres Drame
Thèmes Féminisme
Acteurs Daisy Granados, Idalia Anreus, Miguel Benavides, German Pinelli
Note68% 3.425413.425413.425413.425413.42541
La Havane, à la fin des années 1970. Teresa, mère de trois enfants, est chef d'équipe dans une usine textile. Elle est également déléguée syndicale et médiatrice culturelle. Ses multiples responsabilités sont difficilement conciliables avec une vie de famille traditionnelle. Elle doit donc affronter les récriminations incessantes de son époux. Or, un jour, à la suite d'une violente querelle conjugale - elle découvre aussi que son mari la trompe -, Teresa refuse de se soumettre et décide de mettre fin à cette situation.
Les survivants, 2h10
Réalisé par Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
Origine Cuba
Genres Drame
Acteurs German Pinelli
Rôle Pascual Orozco
Note72% 3.62963.62963.62963.62963.6296