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Iftikhar Thakur est un Acteur

Iftikhar Thakur

Iftikhar Thakur
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Iftikar Thakur, is a Pakistani Comedian, who is a Television & Film Actor. He has also starred in numerous Stage Shows and Telefilms in different languages such as Urdu, Punjabi, Pothwari/Mirpuri. He currently stars in the comedy Talk Show Mazaaq Raat, where he portrates Ardli the employee of the President House. Real name of Iftikhar Thakur is Iftikhar Ahmed. He adopted the name Iftikhar Thakur based on a character he played in stage dramas. He in his early ages used to work as a tyre puncturer.

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Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Iftikhar Thakur (4 films)

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Majajan (2006)
, 2h20
Réalisé par Syed Noor
Origine Pakistan
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Shaan Shahid, Shafqat Cheema, Saima, Madiha Shah, Iftikhar Thakur
Note65% 3.2795653.2795653.2795653.2795653.279565
Shaan plays Zil-E-Shah an unhappily married man who belongs to the Syed clan, who falls in love with a courtesan, by the name of