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Kareem Ferguson est un Acteur Américain

Kareem Ferguson

Kareem Ferguson
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Nationalité Etats-Unis

Kareem Ferguson (born in Belize), is an American actor on theater and in films and television. He has also directed one short film The Touch and produced two others, Three Takes and Talking with the Taxman About Poetry.

Ferguson is a classically trained actor receiving his Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Acting from the Professional Theater Training Program at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. He has been on stage in the United States and overseas and acted in a number of television shows on NBC and CBS.

Kareem Ferguson has worked in regional theaters such as the Guthrie, Alliance, Pioneer and Penumbra Theatre companies. He is a company member of the Actors Gang Theater and Ensemble Studio Theater. He was nominated as "Best Lead Actor" for the NAACP 2011 Theater Awards for the play Free Man of Color.

Born in Belize, he now resides in Los Angeles. He is also a licensed Private Pilot and is a fanatic of aviation.

Le plus souvent avec

Cassi Thomson
Cassi Thomson
(1 films)
Farhad Mann
Farhad Mann
(1 films)
Maiara Walsh
Maiara Walsh
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Kareem Ferguson (1 films)

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Désespérément romantique, 1h30
Réalisé par Farhad Mann
Genres Romance
Acteurs Christa B. Allen, Cassi Thomson, French Stewart, Maiara Walsh, Marisa Petroro, Kareem Ferguson
Rôle Danny
Note56% 2.800472.800472.800472.800472.80047
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