Monogram Pictures Corporation is a Hollywood studio that produced and released films, most on low budgets, between 1931 and 1953, when the firm completed a transition to the name Allied Artists Pictures Corporation. Monogram is considered a leader among the smaller studios sometimes referred to collectively as Poverty Row. The idea behind the studio was that when the Monogram logo appeared on the screen, everyone knew they were in for action and adventure. It is now a division of Allied Artists International. The original sprawling brick complex that was home to both Monogram and Allied Artists remains in place today at 4376 Sunset Drive, utilized as part of the Church of Scientology Media Center (formerly KCET television).
"Sach" apprend qu'il serait en fait l'héritier d'un magnat du cuivre. Accompagné de son ami "Slip", il se rend à la propriété familiale des Jones pour les différents papiers légaux nécessaires. En fait, ils se rendent compte qu'il s'agit d'une machination destinée à priver le véritable héritier, "Twig" Jones, de sa fortune. Sach et Slip, aidés des autres Bowery Boys, vont rétablir la vérité après plusieurs péripéties. En récompense, Twig va fournir au garage Bowery tout un ensemble de nouveaux matériels.
Chuck gets a job working for a newspaper. When promoted, he has to go under cover in the state prison to dig up some information on some of the inmates. When one of the inmates beats Chuck up and lands him in the hospital, it's up to Slip, Sach, and Butch to finish Chuck's job. Slip decides that he and the boys should commit a crime so that they can be sent to jail. Another reporter, Cy Bowman, agrees to inform the penitentiary that the boys are actually working under cover for the newspaper once they get arrested. However, Bowman does not actually keep his promise. Now the trio are forced to spend what they think is a short sentence in jail. While there, the boys dig up some information on Percival P. Lannigan and some other inmates who have been living it up in jail, unknown to the warden. Lannigan soon gets word that Slip and his pals are under cover for Chuck (whom Lannigan had beaten up earlier), and intends to have Chuck and Louie killed. The boys eventually expose the inmates scam and turn them over to the warden, who pardons them and arranges for their release.
Une ville d'Alabama est gangrenée par la corruption depuis plusieurs générations, soutenue par une mafia locale qui tire ses revenus de la prostitution et de l'organisation de jeux d’argent truqués . Rentré de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le juge John Patterson s'y installe et veut mettre fin à cette impunité. Un de ses espoirs réside dans la candidature de son propre père, Albert, au poste de procureur général de l’ensemble de la région aux prochaines elections. Face à cette menace, les criminels répondent par une escalade de violence, dirigée contre John,son père et tous ceux qui les soutiennent…
Princess Ann of Truania arrives at Louie's Sweet Shop. She is the daughter of the exiled king and is looking for Louie, whose brother is a valuable assistance to the king back in Truania. They request the boys assistance to safeguard a half-coin for them. The other half will be delivered to them with a message when it is safe for the king to return to his country and regain control. The king's assistant, Colonel Baxis and Zelda, Ann's lady-in-waiting are traitors and are immediately distrusted by the boys. The traitor's intend to send a fake half-coin to the boys in order to get the king to return to his country too soon so that he can be arrested. Ann overhears the plot and is kidnapped. Eventually the boys rescue Ann and convince the king that his assistant is a traitor.
Wyatt Earp arrive à Wichita (Kansas), une petite bourgade de l'Ouest américain. Économiquement, la cité vit essentiellement du commerce du bétail. Mais les convoyeurs et leurs hommes sèment le trouble à chaque arrivée. Un soir de beuverie, un enfant est tué d'une balle perdue. Andrew Hocke, le maire de la ville, demande à Wyatt Earp de prêter serment pour devenir shérif. Celui-ci accepte et ordonne à chaque homme de ne plus porter d'armes. Mais certains notables commencent à s'inquiéter de ses décisions...
Le corps de M. Dean est retrouvé face contre terre dans la cheminée, brûlé au point d'être méconnaissable. La chanteuse de boîte de nuit Eden Lane est reconnue coupable du crime. Elle est escortée en prison par l'un des détectives qui l'ont arrêté lorsqu'elle le convainc qu'elle vient d'apercevoir le meurtrier à l'extérieur de leur train.
Clay Hardin, l'adjoint du shérif Mark Fletcher, promet de venger son chef, assassiné par le dangereux Ben Thompson. Pendant ses recherches dans le Far West, Hardin croise la route d'un chasseur de primes accompagnée de sa femme, Abby. Elle sait où se trouve le meurtrier : il s'apprête à vendre des armes à ses alliés indiens...
In May 1950, Major Matt Brady is redeployed to Pusan, South Korea. His mission there is to train South Korean pilots in the defensive struggle. Also, there are air support exercises in case of the need to evacuate the Americans. Colonel Schuller sends Brady and Captain MacIntyre to the airbase in Kungju. The American instructors only have 25 days left to introduce the South Korean pilots to US tactics.
The front window of Louie's Sweet Shop is a frequent victim of the local neighborhood kids' baseball games. The Bowery Boys think that a nearby vacant lot would be perfect for the kids to play ball, and keep out of trouble. Slip and Sach travel during a heavy rainstorm to visit the owners of the lot at their home on Long Island. As it turn out, the owners, all members of the same family, are completely insane. Dereck, a mad scientist, wants a brain for his gorilla. His brother Anton wants a brain for his robot, Gorog. Their sister Amelia needs fresh meat to give to her man-eating tree, while their niece Francine is a vampire. Feeling that Slip and Sach are perfect for their personal needs, the family asks the duo to spend the night. The boys soon catch on to the family's schemes, causing a frantic chase through the house. Louie, Butch, and Chuck visit the home to search for Slip and Sach, and it's not long before they too get caught up in all the madness.
After Sach is mistaken by French professor as the missing Prof. Maurice Gaston LeBeau, they convince him to impersonate the professor in the hopes of driving the real professor out of hiding. Sach and Slip head off to Paris, along with Louie, and proceed with the plan, with everyone there thinking that the professor has amnesia. The real professor finds out about his impostor and returns to Paris, just in time to encounter spies who are trying to steal the professor's rocket fuel formula that he was working on when he disappeared. Sach, however, creates his own rocket formula that saves the day, and he is rewarded for his efforts in the end.
Après trois ans injustement passés derrière les barreaux, le détective Vic Barron part à la recherche du meurtrier de sa femme et de sa fille. Elles ont péri dans l'explosion d'une bombe, qui a défiguré Vic. Le détective soupçonne un ancien chef de gang réfugié à Ketchikan en Alaska d'être responsable de l'attentat.
A Chicago, le capitaine Danforth (Gary Merrill) s'apprête à quitter la police après dix années de service pour devenir avocat. Il mène une dernière enquête sur le meurtre d'une danseuse et, en parallèle, se voit proposer par son supérieur un dernier défi : rétablir l'ordre dans un commissariat situé dans les quartiers pauvres et malfamés de la ville
Gerald MacTeam rompt brutalement ses fiançailles avec Kitty Murray après avoir été informé de la mort de son oncle. Il retourne en Écosse où il a hérité d'un château. Kitty refuse d'accepter la situation et part pour l'Écosse avec sa tante Edith. Elle découvre en arrivant que Gerald a brusquement vieilli et que son comportement a beaucoup changé. Une série d'événements mystérieux survient dans le château et le labyrinthe avoisinant.
The boys' friend, Dave Moreno, is being held for treason by the U.S. Air Force. Slip and Sach go to headquarters to help Dave, but mistakenly enlist. Sach is also mistakenly assigned to a WAF barracks. When the boys finally do visit Dave he tells them he does not need help, as he is secretly being used to capture enemy agents. Undeterred by Dave's words, the boys continue to investigate and Slip and Sach wind up airborne. Good luck allows them to land safely, just where the spies are hiding out. They capture the spies and Dave's true mission is revealed.