Based on David Sedaris' autobiographical short story, C.O.G. (which stands for Child of God) follows Samuel (Jonathan Groff), who attempts to immerse himself in "the real world," and go "off the grid" following his graduation from Yale to work at an apple farm under an alias. Out of his element and failing to fit in amongst the town's migrant workers and deeply religious locals, Samuel begins a journey that will take him deep into unfamiliar, awkward, and sometimes humorous territory as he encounters would-be benefactors and friends alike.
Ayant du mal à faire son deuil de sa mère morte il y a un an et demi, un jeune adolescent, passionné des oiseaux, fait une grande découverte sur la route : un Eider du Labrador, une espèce que l'on croyait disparu depuis une bonne centaine d'années. Avec ses deux amis avec qui il fait partie de l'Association des Jeunes Ornithologues (Young Birders Society) de son lycée, il part à la recherche de cet oiseau qu'il semble avoir vu…
Doron (Liron Levo) is a security operative sent to Lebanon with the mission to capture Manzur, one of the people in charge of the terrorist organization Hezbollah. He's promised that this will be his very last mission and that afterwards he will be left to build a family with his new wife. Fueled by this promise, Doron enters the town where his target is rumored to be hiding but soon discovers that it is filled with infected people intent on biting and spreading a strange new disease. Doron discovers Manzur's daughter Noelle (Yafit Shalev), who claims that her father had actually been working with Israel on a new biological weapon. Now Doron and the others must find a way to stay alive and get to safety.
Jack, un écrivain en panne d'inspiration pour une nouvelle histoire dans laquelle ses héros de fiction sont dans une chambre froide,il s'enferme lui-même dans une chambre froide. Mais au fur et à mesure que la température baisse, l'histoire qu'il écrit prend vie...
Brooklyn, 1975: brothers Brian and Danny Leary are looking for a way out of their working-class neighborhood, so they make a pact to rob a local theater on the night of a Rolling Stones concert.
Les 40èmes championnats du monde de danse irlandaise ont eu lieu en mars 2010 à Glasgow où 6 000 danseurs, leurs familles et professeurs ont afflué des quatre coins du monde pour une semaine riche en émotions !
JIG suit une année durant une dizaine de jeunes participants depuis leur préparation jusqu’à la compétition finale. Le film accompagne ces danseurs venus d’Irlande, des Pays-Bas, de Grande-Bretagne, des Etats-Unis et de Russie et raconte leurs efforts et leurs espoirs.
Un chef perd sa créativité en cuisine lors de la mort de sa femme. Mais encouragé par un ami, il se lance dans la transformation d'un pub de campagne en un restaurant de qualité...
Troy "Slam" Slamsky is a viral video guru who is a huge hit on His nagging girlfriend Miranda wants him to take his skills and growing fan base into the real world and get a job in advertising. She is tired of living in their less than modest apartment, and sees Slam's talent as the ticket out. Slam is only interested in making his short movies, getting stoned with his best friend Harlan "Harley" Lovecraft, and someday visiting Cleveland. After a series of disagreements and the discovery that Miranda is two-timing Slam with rich snob Tyler, Slam is suddenly on his own.
Après la mort du hors-la-loi dont elle était amoureuse, Juliette Flowers se donne pour mission de récupérer son corps pour lui offrir des funérailles dignes de ce nom.
A family musical with heart, Rising Stars explores the sacrifices that come with fame in reality television-obsessed culture. Challenged with creating songs and music videos, three musical acts find more than their futures on the line when the competition gets fierce and their lives are caught on tape broadcast to the nation. Egos clash and worlds collide as these teens find how far they will go to win the coveted prize and achieve stardom.