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چور مچائے شور est un film Pakistanais réalisé par Syed Noor avec Babar Ali

چور مچائے شور (1996)

چور مچائے شور
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Note40% 2.0322952.0322952.0322952.0322952.032295

Chor Machaye Shor (Urdu: چور مچائے شور) is a Pakistani Urdu film directed by Syed Noor. The film stars Babar Ali, Resham and Sahiba. The film was released in 1996.
A re-make of Punjabi film Sohra te Jawai


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Note58% 2.90492.90492.90492.90492.9049
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Origine Pakistan
Genres Comédie romantique, Action, Policier, Romance
Acteurs Moammar Rana, Saima, Nargis, Sana, Shafqat Cheema, Abid Khan
Note67% 3.3762053.3762053.3762053.3762053.376205
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