Mehndi Waley Hath Is a Punjabi Pakistani film directed by Syed Noor starring Saima and Babar Ali. Mehndi Waley Hath was Syed Noor's unofficial follow up to Choorian and subsequently expectations among the public as well as within the industry were sky high. There had been reports that Noor had been totally wrapped up in the shooting of what was being seen as his special pet project. All other productions he was involved in were receiving a cold shoulder while Noor worked painstakingly on Mehndi Waley Hath. Last summer when the preview trailers were screened they caused mini-hysteria in some centers in the Punjab where audiences demanded them to be replayed over and over!Synopsis
The film begins with a voice over explaining the "cause" of the filmmakers in attempting to expose a "crual custom"(as the poster said) that exists in the rural areas of the Punjab where women are married off (illegally) to the Quran so that the landowning family doesn't have to part with any of its wealth. The action is based around the rural haveli of Vadda Saeen - the family elder, and his wife. They live in their sprawling estate together with the extended family that is usually warring with one another. There are also legions of slaves (ghulams) who devote themselves to the Vadda Saeen and show their love for their Saeen by kissing and nuzzling his feet!