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Jhoomar est un film Pakistanais réalisé par Syed Noor avec Moammar Rana

Jhoomar (2007)

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For the Punjabi folk dance, see Jhumar.

Jhoomer (Gurmukhi: ਝੂਮਰ) is a Pakistani Urdu film directed by Syed Noor which was released across theaters in Pakistan on November 2, 2007. The film is based on a true story; Saima and Moammar Rana perform leading roles in this film.


The story written by Syed Noor revolves around Gulaab Bibi (Saima), a village belle who falls in love with a dashing army officer Shahnawaz (Momey) posted in her village along the Pakistan-India border. Shahnawaz hails from a well-off wadera family that owns, among other things, an imposing haveli complete with a two-way staircase in the entrance hall that serves as a vantage point for theatrical entries and exits by different characters throughout the film.


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, 2h20
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