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海と夕陽と彼女の涙 ストロベリーフィールズ est un film israelien de genre Drame avec Mitsuki Tanimura

海と夕陽と彼女の涙 ストロベリーフィールズ (2006)

海と夕陽と彼女の涙 ストロベリーフィールズ
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Strawberry Fields is a 2006 documentary film by Israeli filmmaker Ayelet Heller about the hardships faced by Palestinian strawberry farmers in Gaza, who find their livelihood disrupted by the Israel-Gaza conflict.


Strawberry Fields points out that strawberries grown in Gaza are the only agricultural product marketed internationally as being of Palestinian origin. One of the major Gaza strawberry farms in located at Beit Lahiya. More than 1,500 tons of strawberries are exported from Gaza to Europe through the Israeli company Agrexco. In order to get overseas, however, the fruits need to pass through the checkpoint that separates Israel and Gaza. The 2005–2006 growing season coincided with the Israel's disengagement from Gaza and the rise of Hamas as the ruling political entity. The armed conflict between Israel and Hamas resulted in the closing of the border checkpoint. The strawberries grown at Beit Lahiya cannot leave Gaza, resulting in significant losses for the farmers and their Agrexco partners. Unable to transport their produce, the farmers have no choice but to dispose of their crop and prepare for the following year’s growing season.


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Note80% 4.028774.028774.028774.028774.02877
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Zramim Ktu'im, 1h15
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Paths of lives are crossed in one village in the West Bank. Along the broken water pipelines, villagers walk on their courses towards an indefinite future. Israel that controls the water, supplies only a small amount of water, and when the water streams are not certain nothing can evolve. The control over the water pressure not only dominates every aspect of life but also dominates the spirit. Bil-in, without spring water, is one of the first villages of the West Bank where a modern water infrastructure was set up. Many villagers took it as a sign of progress, others as a source of bitterness. The pipe-water was used to influence the people so they would co-operate with Israel’s intelligence. The rip tore down the village. Returning to the ancient technique of collecting rainwater-using pits could be the villagers’ way to express independence but the relations between people will doubtfully be healed.