Kunjananthante Kada is a 2013 Malayalam drama film written and directed by Salim Ahamed. The film stars Mammootty in the titular role, as a shopkeeper, alongside debutante actress Nyla Usha while Salim Kumar and Balachandra Menon play other pivotal roles. The story is about a small-time shopkeeper in Kannur and his attempt to find his own place in a rapidly changing world.
The film features original background score composed by Issaq Thomas Kottukapally. The songs featured in the film are composed by M. Jayachandran. Madhu Ambat is the cinematographer, while sound design, sound editing & sound mixing are handled by Resul Pookutty. This is the first film in Malayalam in which Resul is doing synchronized sound recording or sync sound, though Resul's debut in Malayalam happened in 2009 , Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja and sync sound was used in many Malayalam films before this. The film's shooting commenced in February 2013. It released on August 30, 2013. Mammootty won Asianet Film Award for Best Actor.Synopsis
The story of Kunjananthante Kada is set in a village around the Mattannur-Iritty area of Kannur, Kerala. Kunjananthan (Mammootty) manages a provision store the village. Resigned to an unhappy marriage, it is this shop that is at the centre of his existence. The owner of the building pleads with him to vacate the shop so he may settle his debts, but Kunjananthan does not relent. Eviction, however, seems unavoidable when the government tries to acquire land for a road development project. Kunjanthan's travails to retain the shop form the second-half of the film.