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ಋಣ ಮುಕ್ತಳು est un film réalisé par Puttanna Kanagal avec Bharathi Vishnuvardhan

ಋಣ ಮುಕ್ತಳು (1984)

ಋಣ ಮುಕ್ತಳು
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Durée 2h25
Réalisé par
Note73% 3.663533.663533.663533.663533.66353

Runamukthalu (Kannada: ಋಣ ಮುಕ್ತಳು) is a 1984 Indian Kannada language film directed and co-produced by Puttanna Kanagal starring Bharathi, Padmavasanthi and Ramakrishna. The film is based on the novel "Runa" written by Anupama Niranjana. The film was produced under the banner "Kanagal Creations".

The film released in 1984 and received average response at the box-office but won critical appraisals.


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Belli Moda
Belli Moda (1966)

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