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أنا الماضي est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Ezzel Dine Zulficar avec Faten Hamama

أنا الماضي (1950)

أنا الماضي
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Durée 2h5
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Thriller,    Horreur
Note63% 3.1698453.1698453.1698453.1698453.169845

Ana al-Madi About this sound listen (Arabic: أنا الماضي‎, I'm the Past) is a classic 1951 Egyptian crime film. The film was written and directed by Ezzel Dine Zulficar. It starred Imad Hamdi, Zaki Rostom, Farid Shawqi, and Faten Hamama.


Hamed is released from prison after serving 20 years for a crime he did not commit. The crime was the murder of his close friend, Kamel. Kamel's murder was the result of an affair that his wife, Elham, was having with another man, Fareed, who was the murderer. Elham covered up for her lover's murder and Hamed was falsely jailed for the murder.


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Le Péché
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