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A Broadway Butterfly est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par William Beaudine avec Dorothy Devore

A Broadway Butterfly (1925)

A Broadway Butterfly
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Durée 1h10
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie

A Broadway Butterfly is a 1925 American silent comedy film directed by William Beaudine. It is a lost film with no known prints.


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Il y a 248 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 168 films avec le même réalisateur, 36940 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Le Crime de Roger Sanders, 50minutes
Réalisé par William Beaudine
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Acteurs Cullen Landis, Patsy Ruth Miller, Bert Woodruff, George C. Pearce, Raymond Cannon, Gus Leonard

Un jeune homme d'une famille aisée aime parcourir la ville au volant de sa voiture ; il s'amuse à distancer la police qui le poursuit, bien qu'il soit généralement rattrapé. Après son dernier incident, son père l'avertit de cesser ce jeu, et le jeune homme promet de se calmer. Cependant, il cède bientôt à ses anciennes habitudes. Mais cette fois, en tentant de fuir deux policiers à moto, il a un accident. Pensant qu'il a tué un des policiers, il fuit en ville et se retrouve sans le sou, dans une petite ville à plusieurs kilomètres de là. Bientôt, il rencontre une jeune fille dont il tombe amoureux, qui s'avère être la fille du chef de la police locale.
Jinx Money
Jinx Money (1948)
, 1h8
Réalisé par William Beaudine
Genres Comédie, Policier
Acteurs Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, William Benedict, Gabriel Dell, David Gorcey, Benny Bartlett
Note60% 3.0477153.0477153.0477153.0477153.047715
Pollack, an underworld gambler, is murdered, but before he dies he hides $50,000 that he just won gambling in a newspaper and kicks it under a car. The next day Sach and Slip are walking in the street and find the paper and the cash. Gabe, who is a reporter, runs a story on them finding the money and the gangsters that Pollack won the money from come looking for them. One by one they take the money from the boys and are immediately killed by the mysterious "umbrella". Eventually the boys get tired of having the money taken from them and people dying around them so they hand the money over to the police. The "umbrella", not knowing that they boys no longer have the money, comes to collect it from them and is captured by the police who were staking the boys hideout waiting for the killer.
The Shanghai Chest
Réalisé par William Beaudine
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Policier
Acteurs Roland Winters, Victor Sen Yung, Mantan Moreland, Tristram "Tris" Coffin, Russell Hicks, Pierre Watkin
Note60% 3.0016253.0016253.0016253.0016253.001625
As Victor Armstrong visits his uncle, Judge Wesley Armstrong in San Francisco, he is knocked unconscious by an unknown attacker, and when he wakes up he finds out his uncle has been stabbed to death. The judge's private secretary, Phyllis Powers, finds the two men and calls the police to the scene. When Victor wakes up he has the knife that stabbed his uncle in his hand.
Smugglers' Cove, 1h6
Réalisé par William Beaudine
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Action
Acteurs Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Gabriel Dell, David Gorcey, William Benedict, Paul Harvey
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Young amateur sleuth Terence "Slip" Mahoney works cleaning offices in a New York highrise building when he comes across a letter addressed to Terence Mahoney, Esquire. Believing the letter is meant for him, he opens and reads it. The letter tells of an inheritance waiting for him. A wealthy uncle living in a large house on Long Island has left him a fortune. He is expected at Mahoney Manor immediately.