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A Change of Spirit est un film américain réalisé par D. W. Griffith avec Blanche Sweet

A Change of Spirit (1912)

A Change of Spirit
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Durée 17minutes
Réalisé par
Note48% 2.446222.446222.446222.446222.44622

A Change of Spirit is a 1912 American short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Blanche Sweet.


Denied by her narrow-minded father all associations except that of her chaperone, the girl, while strolling in the park, indulges in a little flirtation with a young man who is one of a couple of gentlemen thieves. A self-indroduction comes when he gallantly picks up a book she has dropped. In restoring the book, he cunningly takes her hand-bag in order that he may have an excuse to call on her later and return it, giving her the impression that she had lost it. When he calls, her father is away, and so, in the spirit of bravado, she invites him in. While there he surreptitiously secures the key to the house, intending to return later with his partner. However, upon accidentally meeting the girl the second time, he becomes deeply impressed and the thought of his promise to his chum to enter the house that night palls.


Blanche Sweet

(The Young Woman)
William J. Butler

(The Young Woman's Father)
Kate Toncray

(The Young Woman's Mother)
Henry B. Walthall

(First Gentleman Thief)
Charles Hill Mailes

(Second Gentleman Thief)
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Source : Wikidata


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